Gate Post Estates

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Annual Picnic (usually around Halloween)

Neighborhood Yard Sale (usually early fall)

Bunco Club (monthly):

  Gate Post Estates has a women's bunco group.  We are comprised of 16 permanent members who meet the 1st Thursday of every month for an evening of fun, food, laughter and bunco.  We take turns hosting in our homes on a monthly basis.  Bunco is an extremely easy dice game which can be learned in 3 minutes or less!  We are always
looking for subs to be on our list.  For more information on Bunco - Wikipedia

Gourmet Groups (monthly)

Wine Tasting (usually bi-monthly)

Christmas Lighting Contest (December)

Luminaria (December):
  “Lighting up Gate Post Estates” with Luminaria is a tradition in our community.  The simplicity of the Luminaria (a brown bag, sand, and a single candle) provides a striking example of how one simple light, when gathered together in great numbers, can transform any environment.  When lit, the community becomes a beautiful spectacle of shimmering roads of light.  The tradition has its roots in the Southwest and Mexico, where the simple lanterns were used by the people as part of an elaborate community re-enactment of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. 
For more information on Luminaria - Wikipedia

  Volunteers from throughout the development (Gate Post I and Gate Post II) create and deploy the over 2500 bags on the streets during the afternoon and the residents are asked to light those in front of your house at 5:00pm.  If your neighbor isn’t home, feel free to light theirs and any others near you.  The Luminaria should last a couple of hours.  After they extinguish themselves, you are asked to pick those up in front of your house and simply throw them away.  Please wait until 5:00pm or sundown to light your Luminaria.

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Gate Post Estates II Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 1081 :: Centreville, VA :: 20121
  Email: webmaster
copyright 2021 :: GPEIIHOA